March 17, 2009

Welcome to Cobble Hill, Population 6,589. Wait, What?

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of sound. A dimension of sight. A dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into...The Twilight Zone.

Giordana and I stumbled into this Brooklyn neighborhood in search for pie on Pie Day (March 14th), and were quite disturbed by its similarities to our quaint little village back home: friendly people, mom and pop shoppes and trees. The hunt for pie was worth it not just for the reasons of experiencing such a bizarre juxtaposition of places, but also because the pie was damn fine.

School has been wrapping up it's third half term. Soon we'll be packing up everything we've learned and applying it to our first play. It's sort of funny to acknowledge that in all my time here at the school, I have yet to be involved in any semblance of a complete work. Movement got scary fast: our instructor has recently taken the class to a place which is incredibly difficult for me. I am just not capable of working at this level unless I am in the zone.
Acting is nuts, scene work has almost begun, and a large series of reports are due soon.

Gio and I are expecting her folks tomorrow, so you can all be jealous during the next blog entry of all the photographs with them with us in NY and you at home on your computer. Bet you wish you got here while you could!

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